Nassington Pre-School

Welcome to Nassington Preschool

Nassington preschool has been running since 1998 and has an excellent reputation as a provider of good quality childcare. We offer comprehensive care and education to children aged 2 years to rising 5 years. Our staff are caring, enthusiastic, experienced and well qualified. The setting is a member of the Preschool Learning Alliance – Charity number 1172148


In August 2017 Nassington Pre School changed its charitable status from an unincorporated charity (Committee run organisation) to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) which means it now has its own legal identity, separate from that of its Trustees. Unfortunately at present there isn’t a mechanism within Ofsted to convert from an unincorporated organisation to a CIO without registering again as a new Pre-School. As such after a thorough registration inspection, we were approved by Ofsted and issued with a new Registration Number: EY547792. We will not be given an Ofsted grade under this new number until the first inspection which can take up to a year after registration. Until this time please refer to our last two reports (2011 & 2016) both of which are Outstanding under our old Ofsted Number EY422326.

On Friday 7th February 2020, OFSTED visited Nassington Pre-School to undertake an inspection of the setting. The Inspector spent a full day – including extended care – within the setting and undertook numerous observations, asked thorough questions of the staff, spoke to parents and of course, spoke with the children.
We are really pleased to inform you that the Inspector provided the setting with a ‘GOOD’ rating in all areas.  He was extremely impressed with the setting and what it offers to children and families and praised many areas.
The inspection was based around the new Ofsted framework which has only been in place for five months so achieve a ‘good’ rating this early on in the implementation of the changes is a fantastic achievement.  Put alongside having new staff start in September 2019, one of whom experienced her first Ofsted inspection, it really is a credit to the staff, under the management of Lisa that this level has been achieved.
The report highlights numerous positive areas of success, describing how, “Children are happy and safe. They thrive in this highly welcoming and nurturing environment”.  It stated how, “Staff have high expectations for all children to achieve well. Activities are appealing and challenging”.  The report praised the way the setting provides opportunities to enrich children’s learning and interests, such as by welcoming a local artist to work with the children and taking walks around the local village and meeting members of the community.
Happy as we are with the report, we will continue to strive to deliver even better levels of success in all the areas covered. An action plan is already in place to provide more support and guidance for staff to extend children’s language and thinking as fully as possible during activities.
We hope you enjoy reading the report and the findings of the Inspector and wish to thank you for your continued support of Nassington Pre-School.  It is testament to the relationship between staff and parents that we are able to receive such a positive report from Ofsted.
To read the report Please follow below  link

Our Beliefs
We believe that every child is a unique child and every child matters. As a setting we strive to work very closely with you as parents and value that your child has a voice. We encourage your child’s independence through developing a positive relationship with the family. All children have a right to be listened to and valued. We feel your child is able to think about and assess their own learning and development and we want to tune in to this to increase their learning and development.

What are our aims?
Our aim is to deliver a provision which is welcoming, friendly and provides a homely environment. This will in turn stimulate the interests and experiences and impact the learning of the child, by offering child led activities such as a self-choosing atmosphere within our indoor and outdoor space. Children are encouraged to “have a go” and to “try things out in their own time and space”.